Bowls & Feeders for Kittens - things to consider

A kitten needs two bowls, one  to eat and one to drink from. There are several types of bowls available for kittens, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. 

The most common type of bowl for kittens is ceramic. Ceramic bowls are durable, easy to clean, and come in a variety of colors and patterns. They are also relatively inexpensive. However, they can be heavy and can break when dropped. 

Plastic bowls are lightweight, but they can be prone to scratching and may not be as durable as ceramic bowls. They also may have a stronger odor than ceramic bowls. 

Stainless steel bowls are more durable than plastic and ceramic, but they can be expensive and difficult to clean. Silicone bowls are lightweight and non-scratch, but they can be difficult to clean and may retain odors. 

No matter what type of bowl you choose for your kitten, it should be wide enough that your kitten can comfortably eat and drink without spilling their food or water. It should also be easy to clean and replace when necessary. 

Is a feeder better for a kitten?

Feeders for kittens work by dispensing food automatically into a bowl or tray at set intervals. The pros of using a feeder include that it can help monitor and control how much food is eaten by the kitten, as well as helping to regulate the kitten's eating schedule. If a kitten tends to overeat, a feeder can help to control their portions. It can also be helpful for pet owners who are away for long periods of time, ensuring that their pet is fed even if they are not able to be present. 

The cons of using a feeder include that the food can become stale if not eaten quickly enough, and that kittens may be able to access the food before the timer is set to release it. Cats can also become obsessive with the feeder and the time the food is released. Feeding a kitten by hand in a bowl is a much more cost-effective option, and can be more enjoyable for the pet owner and more stimulating for the kitten. 

The cost of a feeder varies depending on the type and features, but can range from $20 to upwards of $100. 

Slow feeders or puzzle feeders are a different manner of feeding your kitten. These do not work automatically but are designed in a way that your pet needs some time and effort to get to the food. They come in a large variety of shapes, designs and levels of difficulty. Slow feeders are filled with treats or dry food. The advantage is that your cat is engaged and occupied for some time, but make sure the slow feeder is not too difficult and your pet doesn´t become frustrated. The costs can range anywhere between $10 and $50 and upwards.

For more information, visit our page on a healthy diet for kittens.